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Operação global contra crime organizado detém oitocentas pessoas

Jean-Philippe Lecouffe, deputy director of EU police agency Europol delivers a speech during a press conference, on June 8, 2021 in The Hague. - Police arrested more than 800 people worldwide in a huge global sting involving encrypted phones that were secretly planted by the FBI, law enforcement agencies said on June 8, 2021.
Officers were able to read the messages of global underworld figures in around 100 countries as they plotted drug deals, arms transfers and gangland hits on the compromised ANOM devices. (Photo by Jerry Lampen / ANP / AFP) / Netherlands OUT
Jean-Philippe Lecouffe, deputy director of EU police agency Europol delivers a speech during a press conference, on June 8, 2021 in The Hague. - Police arrested more than 800 people worldwide in a huge global sting involving encrypted phones that were secretly planted by the FBI, law enforcement agencies said on June 8, 2021. Officers were able to read the messages of global underworld figures in around 100 countries as they plotted drug deals, arms transfers and gangland hits on the compromised ANOM devices. (Photo by Jerry Lampen / ANP / AFP) / Netherlands OUT AFP - JERRY LAMPEN
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